Sustainable Tech 4 Good - Digital Inclusion happy woman holding and looking at laptop wearing yellow on a yellow background

Our impact in Wales & the South West

Sustainable Tech 4 Good's Partner Manager Denise Coates with service users holding donated laptops at Swansea MAD for September News 2024

Our digital inclusion area spotlight this week is Wales and the South West. So who have we helped so far? We are very pleased and excited to have partnered with the following organisations, for whom we’ve already made a significant impact. Read how below…

Swansea MAD
Swansea MAD is a grassroots, anti-poverty, anti-racist, pro-equality, pro-environmental, inclusive youth and community charity intolerant of discrimination and injustice.
“We’re really grateful to Sustainable Tech 4 Good for supporting digital access & inclusion for people at Swansea MAD. Donations of devices from Sustainable Tech 4 Good (in addition to data, training & learning resources available at Swansea MAD) have supported people to be connected, develop new skills and feel more confident online.”
Geraint Turner – Swansea MAD

Swansea Foodbank
Swansea Foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in local areas.
“The devices we have received from Sustainable Tech 4 Good have changed the lives of many of our clients we are supporting throughout our foodbanks. Many clients have been unable to keep in touch with their support workers meaning that their benefits have been sanctioned or they have relapsed when not being able to access support they desperately need.
We have supplied phones to women in domestic abuse situations where it has become a lifeline to them and the only way they can get help after their own phones have been destroyed by partners. We have even had clients unable to get medical help from their doctors because they have no phone to call at 8am to book an appointment. We take for granted that everyone would have a device to connect to the internet or a phone to use but so many are coming into our foodbanks with nothing. The tablets we have also received are helping people to find jobs and most recently we helped Asylum Seekers to access online courses when they were unable to get onto any college courses.”

Debbie Sharpe – Swansea Foodbank

Eyst’s aim is to provide ethnic minority people with the opportunity to reach their fullest potential through holistic, targeted, and culturally sensitive programmes covering education, employment, health, community safety and cohesion. All underpinned by a vision where everyone can contribute, participate, and thrive in Wales.
“Firstly I wanted to thank you for the three tablets we received a few weeks ago. We have given them to three families. Two of them said that the main use would be for the children’s homework. In the third case, the mum wants to use it for her own education. She has young children and needs to look after the children but the tablet will allow her to take on some online classes, first to learn English, then eventually she wanted to further her studies in law.”


Pobl are a not-for-profit organisation whose long-term vision is to deliver quality affordable homes, care and support services that make a positive difference to people and communities in Wales. Their housing solutions cater to various needs and preferences, offering a diverse range of affordable and high-quality homes, from rental properties to shared ownership options.
“Thank you so much for providing the 20 laptops over to Damian 🙂 Really grateful for these and can’t wait to repurpose them for our customers ❤.”
Pobl Housing
”Thank you very much, it has really helped a lot. It has also helped to reduce the amount of time I spend on my mobile.”
Pobl Customer
This customer is dyslexic so having a bigger screen has also made a big difference.

Bath & North East Somerset Council
The Council’s Employment and Skills Pod is a free service available to all residents of Bath and North East Somerset. They can offer help with reviewing your CV, changing career, upskilling in your current job, finding work and improving your job prospects.
“Your generous laptop donation to the Employment & Skills Pod participant, who could no longer work as a driver due to a medical condition, has been truly impactful. With only a mobile phone as his previous device, the kind contribution from Tech4Inclusion made it possible for him to retrain and explore new roles. He has already embarked on his first online course, attending virtual classes, accessing educational resources, and completing assignments seamlessly. It has not only enhanced his ability to learn online but has also given him hope for future employment. We cannot thank you enough for your amazing work!”
Bath & North East Somerset Council

Sustainable Tech 4 Good have been busy addressing Digital Inclusion in Wales, the South West and nationally, but there is much more work to be done.
If your company has surplus tech you can donate please get in touch with one of our team on 01438 741718 or email Thank you.