Sustainable Tech 4 Good - Digital Inclusion happy woman holding and looking at laptop wearing yellow on a yellow background

Universal Human Rights Month

Sustainable Tech 4 Good illustration of multiple different coloured arms and hands with arms outstretched upwards with palms open and human Rights written on them, to raise awareness of Human Rights Month

Human Rights Month spans December with Human Rights Day observed annually around the world on the 10th December. It marks the anniversary of one of the most significant global commitments: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

This pivotal document establishes the fundamental rights to which all individuals are entitled, irrespective of race, colour, religion, gender, language, political or other beliefs, national or social background, property, birth, or any other status. The theme for this year is ‘Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now’.

At Sustainable Tech 4 Good we work with organisations who share this belief, who help support refugees, the homeless, the abused, and the marginalised. Our Tech 4 Inclusion and Tech AID solutions address the disproportionate scale of digital exclusion and they help, 1 device at a time, to change lives for the better.